Tag : simon cureton

Imposing ESG and Meeting Net Zero Is Too Expensive for UK SMEs; COP26 Lobby Group Claims

Tyler Pathe
With SMEs being responsible for around half of carbon emissions, a group of financial services providers, including @FundingOptions and #Swishfund have signed an #openletter calling...

Funding Options: Why It’s Time To Drop ‘Alternative’ From ‘Alternative Finance’

Tyler Pathe
Simon Cureton of @FundingOptions details the benefits of new competition, the hold that fintechs currently enjoy over their incumbent neighbours, and why exactly we should...

The Independent Open Banking Awards Panel Announced

Francis Bignell
. @OpenBankingExpo launches its #awardsscheme to celebrate the progress of #openbanking across the global #financialservices sector. #fintech...

Fintech Leaders are Optimistic for Quick Recovery Despite Covid-19 Impact

Polly Jean Harrison
#Fintech Leaders are Optimistic for Quick Recovery Despite Covid-19 Impact / @pensarmedia @FundingOptions @nigelverdon @BenRichmondCUBE @CUBEGlobal @Todd_A_Clyde @token_io...

Initial backlash from fintech industry to government-backed loan schemes has been tempered as more fintechs get accredited

John Reynolds
Is there a backlash from fintech industry to government-backed loan schemes brewing? Hear from Industry leaders @simon_cureton @christoph_iwoca @OliverPrill @atom_edwardt @StarlingBank @tidebusiness @iwoca @fundingcircle @EburyUK...