Tag : monica eaton cardone

findexable’s Diversity for Growth Report Finds Asia To Be the Region With the Most Female Founders

Francis Bignell
A new report by @findexable examines the role women play in global #fintech, and how the industry can be more inclusive. #genderequality #genderdiversity #womeninfintech...

The Micro-Mentorship Programme To Empower Female Leadership in Fintech Is Launched by Fi911

Francis Bignell
Women facing challenges such as navigating a difficult conversation or transitioning into a new role in #fintech are helped through @Fi911solutions's LIFT: Elevating Women in...

Non-Fraud Payment Card Disputes Increase by 333% As EPA Deals With Threat of ‘Double Credits’

Francis Bignell
'Customer Disputers: A review of #Chargebacks and #DoubleCredits’ has been published by the @EPAssoc analysing the rise of #non-fraud dispute cases. @Chargebacks911 @Fi911solutions...