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Alibaba Cloud Partners with Global Educational Institutes to Foster AI Talent

Alibaba Cloud, the digital backbone of Alibaba Group, has unveiled plans to launch its first cloud region in Mexico, alongside new data centres in Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and South Korea over the next three years.

This expansion aims to enhance its cloud and AI product suite, foster global partnerships, and develop AI talent.

At the Alibaba Cloud Global Summit in Paris, Selina Yuan, president of international business at Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, addressed the growing demand for AI and the company’s commitment to expanding AI infrastructure.

“With the rapidly rising demand for AI across industries, we are reinforcing our commitment to expanding our AI infrastructure and enhancing our cloud capacities worldwide,” said Yuan. “Meanwhile, our digital talent initiatives, in collaboration with global universities and local partners in our key markets, will further equip the upcoming generation with the requisite AI skills.”

Alibaba Cloud’s Model Studio, a generative AI development platform, will soon be available internationally through its Singapore Availability Zones. This platform will enable enterprises and developers to access Alibaba Cloud’s Qwen family of large language models and other AI development tools to create custom AI applications.


In collaboration with SAP, Alibaba Cloud has launched an integrated enterprise solution for SMEs in Asia, combining SAP Business One with Alibaba Cloud’s infrastructure to offer scalable ERP systems without substantial initial IT investments.

Additionally, Alibaba Cloud is developing a Salesforce training course in China, tailored for multinational companies to master the Salesforce CRM platform on Alibaba Cloud, aiming to train over 10,000 participants by the end of 2025.

Alibaba Cloud has also partnered with Demos Group and OxValue.AI to offer cloud computing, data analytics, and AI courses, and is collaborating with several international universities to cultivate AI expertise.

Global clients like LVMH Group, FathomX, and the International Canoe Federation are leveraging Alibaba Cloud’s AI and cloud technologies for innovative solutions and enhanced operational efficiency.

Moreover, Alibaba Cloud is initiating collaborations with several international universities – University of Reading, Singapore University of Social Sciences, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Arovy University, University Saint Thomas Mozambique – to introduce cloud computing and AI courses with the aim to cultivate a new generation of AI experts.


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