Tag : Starling Bank

Viking and Advent Support GPS With $300million Investment

Francis Bignell
Receiving $300million from #VikingGlobalInvestors and @adventintl, @GPS_Processor plans to use the funds to fast track #techdevelopment and global growth....

Funding Options: Why Itā€™s Time To Drop ā€˜Alternativeā€™ From ā€˜Alternative Financeā€™

Tyler Pathe
Simon Cureton of @FundingOptions details the benefits of new competition, the hold that fintechs currently enjoy over their incumbent neighbours, and why exactly we should...

GPS and Its Partners Account For 49% Of the $24.5bn of Investments Reported in the UK

Francis Bignell
$98billion of #investments was reported globally in the past year: @GPS_Processor and its partners accounted for a tenth of this, generating $12.5billion across #Europe and...